EIF-98FB (ELECOM) SCSI I / F in the PC-9801FA / FS / FX, MATE-A SCSI dedicated slot With PC-98FA-02 Hardware compatible.EMS board and this board when using the sound board Do not mix with.When using the EMS driver, book the page frame of EMS Set so as not to overlap with the board's ROM address. The final ROM seems to be 2.30, but it does not support HDD of 1GB or more, and the version of ROM is upgraded It is also impossible to make it correspond.In addition, ELECOM made this board non-compliant with Windows 95. There are 2 8 dip switches and 3 3 jumper switches on the board. ・ 8-station dip switch SW1: SCSI ID, interrupt level, DMA channel setting 1-2-3: SCSI ID setting  OFF-OFF-OFF 0  ON-OFF-OFF 1  OFF-ON-OFF 2  ON-ON-OFF 3  OFF-OFF-ON 4  ON-OFF-ON 5  OFF-ON-ON 6  ON-ON-ON 7 (default setting) 4-5-6: Setting interrupt level  OFF-OFF-OFF INT 0 (factory setting)  ON-OFF-OFF INT 1  OFF-ON-OFF INT 2  ON-ON-OFF INT 3  OFF-OFF-ON INT 5  ON-OFF-ON INT 6 7-8: DMA channel setting  OFF-OFF DMA 0  ON-ON DMA 3 (default setting) ・ 8 stations dip switch SW2: ROM address setting 1-2-3: ROM address setting  OFF-OFF-OFF ■ D0000h to D0FFFh  ON-OFF-OFF D2000h to D2FFFh  OFF-ON-OFF D4000h to D4FFFh  ON-ON-OFF D6000h to D6FFFh  OFF-OFF-ON D8000h to D8FFFh  ON-OFF-ON DA000 h to DAFFF h  OFF-ON-ON DC000h to DCFFFh (factory setting)  ON-ON-ON ■ DE000h to DEFFFh 4-5-6-7-8: Always OFF-ON-ON-ON-ON ・ Three jumper switches SW3 and SW4: I / O page address setting  In the following, the order of SW3 SW4 I / O page address:  1-2 short ■ 1-2 short ■ CC0h (factory setting)  2-3 short ■ 1-2 short ■ CD0h  1-2 short ■ 2-3 short ■ CE0h  2-3 short ■ 2-3 short ■ CF0h ・ Three jumper switch SW8: Transfer mode setting  1-2 short ■ DMA transfer  2-3 short ■ DMA / FIFO automatic switching (DMA transfer in OS / 2, FIFO in other OS) Transfer: Factory setting) ■ Quick boot function The quick boot function is the check of the number after the ID number set on this board Function that omits.This can reduce the time until system startup. When setting the ID number of the maximum value + 1 of the ID number of the connected SCSI device and turning on the PC, The quick boot function works.This function is only available on MS-DOS (OS / 2 etc. Let's use it with ID = 7). ■ Quick format function The quick formatting function executes MS-DOS initialization and area allocation at high speed. function. When the format screen is displayed by the FORMAT / H command of MS-DOS, press the [Kana] key, After that, proceed with initialization-> area reservation.